craigslist is a go-to site for anybody trying to sell stuff which they don’t want anymore. However, with the increase in craigslist scams, it has become very difficult to avoid them and to be on the safer side. Craigslist may seem like a cost-effective way of selling your car but it comes with the same amount risks and uncertainty.

However, everybody in craigslist is not a scammer and you could find genuine buyers as well. But for whatever we have seen happening around this platform, we really don’t recommend you selling your car here.

And we got reasons to back that up on why we think that craigslist should not be in your list of ways to sell your car.


The famous scams/spams of craigslist:

Internet may have blessed the world with a plethora of ways to buy and sell stuff online but getting scammed on the  internet have also become a commonplace. Craigslist has recently become your virtual garage sale, the cheapest ad space on the internet and also the favorite place for scammers.

Scammers can trick you from any way possible and you will be shocked to know about the tactics and technologies they use. You just can’t avoid them if you are not being vigilant. So, here are some precautions you must take before listing or running an ad on your car.

  • First of all, never pay or receive payments from people you haven’t met in person.
  • Never reveal important financial information like debit card number or bank accounts.
  • Always deal with customers who are available in your nearby local because this platform is best used as a local resource.
  • Read every listing carefully and don’t give out any secret information which can be used to spam or scam you.
  • Your personal information like phone numbers or others should not be shared at a short notice.
  • Finally, never go for a wire transfer or using western union to pay or receive payments.


Lack of safety:

Stuff like electronics and furniture would be quite easier and safe to sell online to a stranger because you can call them at some place away from your home and sell it in a lesser time frame. However, selling a car is a whole another scene altogether.

The buyer will evaluate, inspect everything about the vehicle and could take a long time in making a decision and you never know what their intentions are. Calling a stranger to your house would not be a great idea right?.

So making sure that stranger doesn’t get to know about you and your family you must take safety precautions for yourself and your family.

  • The photo of your car posted on craigslist should not display your home or family.
  • Remove all geo-tagging from your photos posted on craigslist.
  • Have somebody with you when you go meet or give your buyer a test drive.
  • Conversations must be limited to the deal you are making.
  • Don’t share any personal information with them.
  • Meet up with the buyer at a place away from home.

If you are not feeling safe calling a stranger then we are here for the rescue. We at are the safest option when it comes to selling your old car and getting instant cash for your cars. Our expert professionals will pay you a visit, inspect and offer a top dollar rate on your car.


Time constraints:

You may not realize but selling a car truly requires a lot of time, effort and dedication. It could take weeks and months to finally land upon a serious buyer. Here, craigslist seems to be the best way to go but even this platform won’t sell your car in a snap. So, nobody can guarantee when you will finally receive your payments.

We would like do you a favour and buy your car right away if you request for a quote at Our hassle-free service and quick payment system are what makes it so easy for struggling car sellers to get rid of their vehicles in no time. So, Give us a call and get instant cash for your car.


Paperwork is whole another workload:

Yes!, you finally find an interested buyer after all that time and effort you put into it but what now?. You need to meet up, negotiate, bargain, start the paperwork and finally complete the registrations at the DMV office. Now that’s a whole lot of work, right?. Here you will require a title transfer and also a bill of sale according to your state laws.

Your buyer may even ask for a maintenance record,  a damage disclosure statement and odometer disclosure. So, start preparing these documents even before you call your buyer to meet up. Here you can never fully trust in craigslist’s car buyers because scams are so much prevalent here. So, be careful.


Heavy Bargains:

Used car buyers visit craigslists with a prime motive to get the cheapest deal on the secondhand car. So, they are heavy bargainers when it comes to price and they will give you irrelevant reasons to lower your price. Now, that’s another headache after so much trouble, right?.

After putting in all the effort you really want to get the most of this car now. Negotiating to some extent is fine but excessive bargains will hurt you because you want to get rid of the car ASAP, but the price is too low and you have a serious buyer in front of you. Now, that’s a tough decision to make.



When choosing to buy or sell in craigslist, you are bound to come across scammers with lustful eyes on your hard earned money. However, you can avoid these scams if you follow some of the tips we shared above. Selling your car should be a breeze and not a painful struggle.

Traditional ways of listing are getting outdated now because technology is advancing faster than ever. In this age of speed and convenience, people want to buy and sell instantly without having to wait for months. If you want to get rid of your car ASAP then we have an offer for you. is the number one used car buyer in NJ where we provide fast cash for your car into your bank straight up. With us, you don’t have to go through the trouble to meet strangers, wait for months to sell and harass yourself with excessive paperwork.

Give us a heads up at We got your back on this one here.