Purchasing a used car can be a difficult task if you don’t have proper knowledge about the taxes and fees that you’re liable to pay. We, NJcashcars save you from the hassle of buying used car in New Jersey by helping you complete all the formalities and responsibilities from your end.
Following are the Taxes and Fees that you are responsible to pay while buying a used car in New Jersey:
- Title Transfer fees: When you buy a used car, you must complete the car title transfer within 10 business days to avoid the late fee of $25. You will have to pay transfer fee of $60 for a title with no lien or $85 for a title with a single lien and $110 for a vehicle with two liens. Please remember that without transferring Pre-owned vehicle title, the car will not be officially yours.

- Registration Fees: You are liable to pay a registration fee which is due every year and includes the cost of a license plate. You are also required to provide the proof of New Jersey auto insurance. Registration fees payable depends on two factors – firstly, the weight class it falls into and secondly, the model of the car or how old is your car. For the detailed list of the fees, visit Official Website of New Jersey Motor vehicle Commission for a better understanding about which category your car falls in.

- Sales Tax: The state charges 7% sales tax on the amount you paid for purchasing a vehicle. So, you will have to pay the sales tax along with the registration fees when you visit the Motor Vehicle Commission of New Jersey.

There is a chance that you might have already paid the sales tax while purchasing your vehicle from a dealer and titling it yourself. In that case, you require the proof of tax paid from the dealer to avoid paying the sales tax again.
Getting these formalities and paperwork done can be a tiresome task, so NJ Cash Cars gets a perfect solution for you and does all the work for you. We also provide you the services for selling your cars for instant cash on the spot. So, next time you are looking to sell your car for cash contact NJCashCars.