Sell car during COVID-19 outbreak
Undeniably COVID-19 has affected our everyday lives in adverse ways. The government and the health care workers are putting their efforts and have been working day in and day out to curb the deadly spread of Coronavirus. So, if amidst these hard times you plan on selling off your car then ensure that you follow some basic tips discussed below.
Let us have a look at a few tips that every car seller needs to follow during the current situation of the COVID-19 outbreak.
- Wear a mask when you are meeting potential buyers
Wearing a face mask is the first line of defence against Coronavirus and its associated disease COVID-19. Whether you are having a meeting with the potential car buyer or any car dealership ensure that you are wearing a face-mask before engaging with them in person. Also, you can keep spare masks with yourself, if possible and offer to the car buyer if they do not have one.
- Sanitize your car properly
It is obvious that the potential car buyer would want a test drive before purchasing the car, hence make sure you sanitize the steering vehicle and interiors of the car once the person is done with the test drive and you will be taking over. Keeping in mind the current situation and to avoid the further spread of the virus it is very essential that you sanitize your car properly before you hand over the car keys to the car buyer and so forth. - Clean the common touch points
Ensure that you sanitize the common touch-points of the car which include door handles, the driver’s seat, dashboard, handbrake, seat-belt, steering wheel and the touchscreen of the media player. Make use of alcohol based sanitizer as Corona-virus can remain for up to 72 hours on surfaces.
- Maintain Social Distance while meeting potential buyers
Maintain social distance with the potential car buyers during the meeting. Also, do not shake hands and maintain 1-meter distance when speaking with them. If you happen to go on a test drive with the buyer, sit on the rear seat, we are quite certain the buyer won’t mind as this is a precautionary measure keeping in mind the current situation.
- If possible make a deal phonically by not meeting the buyer
Keeping in mind the current situation,if at all possible make a deal with the buyer over a phone call or online and avoid social meetings as much as possible.
Follow the above mentioned tips while selling your car during these difficult times of Corona-virus spread.